[Nobug] New NoBug release 201008.1

Christian Thaeter ct at pipapo.org
Thu Aug 26 18:24:51 CEST 2010

On Thu, 26 Aug 2010 17:51:31 +0200
Ichthyostega <prg at ichthyostega.de> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Christian Thaeter schrieb:
> > 201008.1
> > --------
> > 20 Aug 2010
> Hi Christian,
> in the course of updating the debian package, I've run into a problem
> with the generation of the NoBug manual. Unfortunately, the asciidoc
> version included in Lenny doesn't support the new table features
> you're using. As manual generation is part of the standard build,
> this causes the whole build to fail on Lenny.

Uhm forgot to tell you, thats semi-intentional, we (me and andreas)
silently updated the manual generation to squeeze, but only for the
manual generation. The README *is* a manual, this should suffice,
except for the still missing manpage.

There is are some known bugs when running Latex (still the .tex is not
final, just produces useable output) i have a 'pdfstex ..|| true' here
on the queue to make it succeed. And we have a nasty KomaScript bug not
yet fixed in debian which typesets the TOC the wrong way, yay. Taking
bets if this will be fixed in debian or not :)

Mind another gotcha, Nobug itself build and is useful on squeeze of
course, but testing it fails under valgrind, I suspect that the default
valgrind supressions for the glibc are not yet settled on squeeze,
waiting for some updates and how it settles and will look closely at
it before a squeeze release. (Anyone recently ran the testsuite on a
*final/released* distribution? fedora, *buntu, whatever?) 

> As a (temporary) workaround, I've just removed the options="header"
> from the four paragraphs defining tables. Basically this causes the
> tables just to be rendered as unformatted ascii. This is uggly, but
> as Lenny is supposed to die in the near future, that might be an easy
> workaround for the time being -- or is there any better solution?

I don't want to include .html and .pdf manuals for the time being. No
idea about the debian policies (do they require any such?) otherwise
the README should suffice. Only for manpage generation we should
eventually provide a fix and possibly even include a nobug.7 manpage
source in the repository to make it independent from (larger parts) of
the doc generation toolchain. I really don't like to have all doc
generating dependencies to be plain build dependencies. I have no idea
how far you or jakob want to go, maybe providing a independent
'nobug-doc' package in future?


> Cheers,
> Hermann
> PS: the relevant changeset is ee02f19c5 on the deb branch
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