[Nobug] New NoBug release 201008.1

Ichthyostega prg at ichthyostega.de
Thu Aug 26 18:48:42 CEST 2010

Hash: SHA1

> As a (temporary) workaround, I've just removed the options="header" from the 
> four paragraphs defining tables. Basically this causes the tables just to be 
> rendered as unformatted ascii. This is uggly, but as Lenny is supposed to die
>  in the near future, that might be an easy workaround for the time being --
> or is there any better solution?

Christian Thaeter schrieb:
>> I don't want to include .html and .pdf manuals for the time being. No idea 
>> about the debian policies (do they require any such?) otherwise the README 
>> should suffice. Only for manpage generation we should eventually provide a 
>> fix

Hi Christian,

as said, the problem is that you do the Doc generation as part of
the normal build process. Meaning that the whole build is *broken* on
Lenny. I.e. the state of master doesn't build on Lenny any more, the
build aborts with an error from asciidoc.

For the debian package, I've done the mentioned fix (i.e. this fix
is contained in the debianisation patch). See

Regarding policy, debian /requires/ a manpage, thus I've written a minimal
manpage for the time being. Moreover, the deb package is required to pick up
any generated documentation and put it in /usr/share/doc/nobug-dev/
Thus, as long as your build produces a *.html, it will end up at that location

>> ... possibly even include a nobug.7 manpage source in the repository to 
>> make it independent from (larger parts) of the doc generation toolchain. I 
>> really don't like to have all doc generating dependencies to be plain build
>> dependencies.

me neither

>> I have no idea how far you or jakob want to go, maybe providing a 
>> independent 'nobug-doc' package in future?

that would be a nice resolution. I'll have a look into that
(While I still have to find out how to declare additional build dependencies
needed only for documentation for a debian source package)

What about having a separate makefile target for the doc generation only,
which is /not/ included in the normal make ?
This way we could just omit the whole asciidoc thing on lenny, thus the
build would work again. Moreover, we could then remove "asciidoc" from
the Build-Depends: of the deb source package, which for Ubuntu (boooo!)
also means dropping the dependency on a tex + docbook distribution

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